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Call for Lithuanian State scholarships

Опубликовано viorel - пн, 03/20/2017 - 09:20

We are happy to inform that recently a has been announced  for 2017/2018 academic year and your university‘s students are eligible to apply untill 2 May 2017. 
Therefore after applying to MRU as exchange or as free-mover students (on-line application, they can immediately apply for state scholarship to support their study period at MRU for 1-2 semesters!  

The scholarship is named as “Short term (1-2 semesters) studies“:

Scholarships for short-term studies in Lithuania (excluding Lithuanian studiesoffered for candidates who are the students of higher education institutions of the following countries:

The Eastern Partnership countries: Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia

ASEM countries: Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, the Philippines, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, China, South Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam

Lithuania priority export market countries: Sweden, Germany, Norway, Finland, the United Kingdom, France, Poland, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Latvia, Estonia, the USA, Israel

No of scholarships: 20

Students who apply for 1 or 2 semester studies to MRU from your University  with at least B2 level of English language proficiency (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) are ELIGIBLE TO APPLY FOR THIS SCHOLARHIPS.

        I.            FINANCIAL PROVISIONS of the State Scholarship

  • Candidates approved for the short–term studies will receive a monthly scholarship of approx. 380 EUR. For a period of studies according to academic calendar at MRU (Autumn semester - from 28 August, 2017 till  21 January, 2018  OR Spring semester – from  22 January, 2018 till 24 June, 2018   OR for all academic year – from 28 August, 2017 till  24 June, 2018) The scholarship is intended to cover the scholarship holder’s expenses only. Additional amount for accompanying partners or family is not provided. Lithuanian state scholarships cannot be double funded from other sources, e.g. other scholarships or other academic exchange programmes.
  • Tuition fee for studies will be covered by the Republic of Lithuania and directly transferred to the higher education institution.
  • The maximum amount of the tuition fee will be determined by the normative costs that are approved by the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania.
  • Any other fees such as a student union fee, a library membership fee, etc. shall be paid by the scholarship holder.
  • Travel and accommodation costs shall be covered by the scholarship holder.

     II.            REQUIRED DOCUMENTS to apply for State scholarship

The candidates must provide the copies of the listed documents through online application system:

1.  Completed application form (through online application system);

2. The Conditional Agreement for Studies (the form must be added to the application form as an attachment using this template form);     of course, we WILL HELP your students who apply as exchange or free-mover (visiting) student to MRU to complete this conditional agreement for studies.

3. One recommendation letter filled and signed by a professor or other academic staff, tutor or employer (provided through online application system or added to the application form as an attachment using this template form);

 4. Certificate of proficiency in English or Lithuanian (or another language required by the host institution). TOEFL, IELTS, CPE or other widely recognized exams of English proficiency are acceptable. If the candidate does not hold any of those certificates, then a signed letter confirming the proficiency in the language from the home university’s professor of English or Lithuanian is also acceptable.

5. A valid identity document.


Deadline for the online application submission is 2nd of May, 2017Regarding additional documents - please add all required documents to the application form through online application system. Online application system will be closed at 12.00 Central European time (GMT+1) on the 2nd May, 2017. 

30rd of June, 2017 – e-mail notification on the results for all short-term studies in Lithuania.

All information about exchange studies at Mykolas Romeris University are on our web-site:

If you have any questions about application procedure (for exchange studies at MRU and for a Lithuanian State scholarship), do not hesitate to contact us by e-mails: of incoming students) or  (international mobility office of MRU) .

Looking forward to welcoming your students as soon as in Autumn of 2017/2018 at Mykolas Romeris University