- USM, FMI, Chișinău - diplomă de master
- USM, FMI, Chișinău - diplomă de licență
- Liceul de Informatică „Spiru Haret”, Suceava, România - diplomă de Bacalaureat
2000-în prezent - lector USM
Proiectarea Sistemelor Informatice; Limbaje Formale și Automate; HTML, CSS, JavaScript; Programare web; Securitatea aplicațiilor web...
- Ensurement of web application security over the entire life cycle, The 9th International Conference “Microelectronics and Computer Science”, Chisinau, october 19-21
- Проектирование информационных систем, методическое руководство по выполнению лабораторных и индивидуальных работ, Кишинев, CEP USM, 2017 – 85стр., coautori: Л. Нигрецкая-Кроитор, Р. Гончяренко
- Frameworks used to provide responsive web interfaces, International conference “Mathematics&Information Technologies: Research and education” (MITRE-2016), Chisinau, 23-26 iunie 2016
- Automatization of generation of specifications matrix in the creation process of summative test of knowledge evaluation,
International conference “Mathematics&Information Technologies: Research and education” (MITRE-2015), Chisinau, 2-5 iulie 2015
- Proiectarea sistemelor informatice. Ghid metodic, CEP USM, Chişinău, 2015...