Gheorghe CUCU Preşedinte de Onoare al Camerei de Comerţ şi Industrie a Republicii Moldova - absolvent FMI
Alexander Zelikovsky
Distinguished University Professor
Department of Computer Science
Georgia State University
University of South Brittany, France
Laboratory of Mathematics and Applications of Mathematics
Centre Yves Coppens, Campus de Tohannic
Professor of Computer Science
Vitaly Voloshin is a Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Troy University, USA. He worked at Moldova State University and at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics (Republic of Moldova) for many years, and moved to the United States in 2002. His research areas include graph and hypergraph theory and its applications. In 1993, he originated the direction of mixed hypergraph coloring, and there are now more than 200 scientific publications on the subject all over the world.
Professor at George Mason University
Constantin Sibirschi s-a născut la 8 ianuarie 1928 în or. Chişinău. A absolvit Facultatea de Fizică şi Matematică a Universităţii de Stat din Chişinău în prima promoţie în 1950 şi doctorantura universităţii în 1954.