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Scholarship Programme for Young Researchers

Postat de prodecan la Joi, 09/03/2017 - 09:16
Coimbra Group Scholarship Programme for Young Researchers from the European Neighbourhood. Universities of the Coimbra Group offer short-term visits to young researchers from higher education institutions from countries in the European Neighbourhood. The main aim of this scholarship programme is to enable scholars to undertake research in which they are engaged in their home institution and to help them establish academic and research contacts.

Seminarul Științific

Postat de prodecan la Lun, 27/02/2017 - 12:19

Miercuri, 01 martie 2017, ora 13:30, în sala 218/4 va avea loc ședința ordinară a seminarului științific "Probleme actuale de Matematică și Informatică".

Tema comunicarii: "Modele decizionale în activitatea monopolului. Algoritmi de soluționare".

Raportor: GODONOAGĂ Anatol, dr., conf. univ., ASEM.