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David Ceban

Grad ştiinţific
doctor habilitat
Titlu didactic/funcţie exercitată
profesor universitar
Departamentul de Matematică

1969: Şcoala medie satul Cioc-Maidan, Comrat, Atestat de studii medii,

1969-1974: Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Facultatea de Matematică şi Cibernetică, Diplomă (de merit) de studii superioare,

1974-1977: Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, studii de doctorat, Diplomă de Doctor în ştiinţe fizico-matematice,

1986-1988: Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, post-doctorat.


Experiența profesională

2022--  până în present: Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, cerc. șt. principal de laborator "Matematici Fundamentale si Aplicative".

2020--  2021: Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Institutul de Cercetare si Inovare, cerc. șt. principal de laborator "Matematici Fundamentale si Aplicative".

2016 – 2020: Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Profesor universitar la Departamentul de Matematică,

2012 – 2016: Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Profesor universitar la Departamentul Matematici Fundamentale,

2000 – 2012: Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Profesor universitar la catedra Analiză Matematică şi Ecuaţii Diferenţiale,

1992 – 2000: Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Profesor universitar la catedra Ecuaţii Diferenţiale,

1982 – 1992: Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Conferenţiar universiar la catedra Ecuaţii Diferenţiale,

1977 – 1982: Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, lector la catedra Ecuaţii Diferenţiale,

1980 – 1983: Universitatea Huari Bumedien (Algeria), lector superior universitar.

Profesor invitat:

  1. Universitatea de Stat din Moscova, USSR (septembrie--decembrie 1984);
  2. Universitatea din Frankfurt, Germania (septembrie – octombrie 1998; septembrie 2000);
  3. Universitatea din Merseburg, Germania (iunie 1997; noiembrie 2000);
  4. Universitatea din Bremen, Germania (octombrie 2000);
  5. Universitatea din Paderborn, Germania (octombrie – noiembrie 2006);
  6. Institutul de Tehnologie din Illinois, S.U.A. (martie – iunie 2002);
  7. Universitatea din Macerata, Italia (septembrie 2002 – februarie 2003; Septembrie--Noembrie 2015);
  8. Universitatea din Ancona, Italia (mai 2003 – octombrie 2006);
  9. Universitatea din Sevilla, Spania (decembrie 2007 – ianuarie 2008, februarie 2010 – septembrie 2010);
  10. Universitatea din Limoge, Franţa (noiembrie 2008);
  11. Universitatea din Belorusia, Belorusia (Mai--Iunie 2013);
  12. Universitatea din Sao Paulo, Brazilia (August--Octombrie 2014);
  13. Universitatea din Granada (Spania), Decembrie 2013--Ianuarie 2014;
  14. Universitatea Tehnologica din Dalian (China), Martie -- Mai 2016--2018 si Noiembrie--Decembrie 2019.


Activitatea didactică

Cursuri predate:

  • Ecuaţii diferenţiale (curs normativ),
  • Ecuaţii diferenţiale cu derivate parţiale (curs normativ),
  • Analiză matematică (curs normativ),
  • Matematică superioară (pentru specialităţi nematematice, curs normativ),
  • Sisteme dinamice autonome (curs special),
  • Sisteme dinamice neautonome (curs special),
  • Ecuaţii diferenţiale liniare în spaţii Banach (curs special),
  • Sisteme dinamice disipative (curs special),
  • Atractori globali ai sistemelor dinamice (curs special),
  • Metode asimptotice în teoria ecuaţiilor diferenţiale (curs special),
  • Funcţii aproape periodice şi ecuaţii diferenţiale (curs special),
  • Ecuaţii diferenţiale şi analiză nonstandard (curs special),
  • Distribuţii şi aplicaţiile lor în ecuaţii diferenţiale (curs special),
  • Teoria stabilităţii sistemelor dinamice (curs special).

Stagii de perfecţionare:

1984 (Septembrie – Decembrie): Universitatea de Stat din Moscova (USSR), Catedra Ecuaţii Diferenţiale, Facultatea de Matematică şi Mecanică.



Diploma de onoare  Ministrul Educației al Republicii Moldova: cea mai bună lucrare științifică a studenților (1974).

- Diploma de onoare  Ministrul Educației al Uniunii Sovietice: cea mai bună lucrare științifică a studenților (1975).

- Premiul cel mai bun tânăr savant al Universității de Stat din Moldova” (1982).

- Diploma de onoare al Ministerului Educației al Republicii Moldova (2011).

- Medalie de aur: la Salonul de Carte Tehnico-Științifică, Artistică și Literatură „EUROINVENT 2020”, pentru monografia "Nonautonomous Dynamics: Nonlinear Oscillations and Global Attractors". Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, (2020).

- Diploma Academiei de științe a Republicii Moldova "Meritul Academic (2021).

- Premiul Academiei de științe a Republicii Moldova în domeniul matematică și informatică „Vladimir Andrunachievici”  (2021).

Ordinul de Onoare pentru activitate prodigioasă in domeniile învăţămîntului şi cercetării (2022).

Activitatea științifică


Supravegherea studenților absolvenți:

-Teze de doctorat în fosta URSS (trei teze):

1. I. Dontvi. Bounded, Almost Periodic and Asymptotically Almost Periodic Solutions of Linear Differential Equations with Generalized Perturbations. PhD thesis, Odessa, UKRAINE, USSR, 1988.
2. V. Gutu. Bounded and Periodic Solutions of Differential Equations with Impulse. PhD thesis, Odessa, UKRAINE, USSR, 1989.
3. D. Fakeeh. Dissipative Dynamical Systems Without Uniqueness. PhD thesis, Minsk, BELORUSSIA, 1992.


Teze Magister în Algeria (trei teze):

1. I. Aiffa. Solutions Periodiques, Presque-Periodiques et Stable au Sense de Poisson, des Equations Lineaires Integrales de Volterra. These de Magister, Alger, ALGERIE, 1983.
2. K. Belkacemi. Solutions Asymptotiquement Presque-Periodiques des Equations Differentielles. These de Magister, Alger, ALGERIE, 1983.
3. N. Hassani. Systems Dynamiques Non-autonomes Contractants et Leurs Applications. These de Magister, Alger, ALGERIE, 1983.

 Teze de Master:

2013 T.Dragancea 

2009. I. Razloga 

2008. Obruci N., Sirbu M. and Zaharia P.

2007. I. Nalivan
2002 - S. Iovchev
2001 - A. Calina
2000 - D. Melniciuc, A. Smetanin
1999 - N. Martynova
1998 - O. Caterenchiuc, N. Tarlazhanu (Masleak), I. Masleac
1996 - I. Patsiuk
1994 - V. Topalov
1993 - N. Akbash 

1992 – Prutyan V. S.
1990 - T. Ermakova
1989 - S. Gavrilitsa
1988 - G. Tichonova
1986 - R. Bozhescu
1980 - A. Baier (Germany, DDR)
1979 - A. Shipkov, V. Kolomiets

Colaborare stiintifică internatională:

Colaborez de mulţi ani cu reprezentanţi ai şcolilor ştiinţifice din Rusia, Ucraina, Belarus, Germania, S.U.A. De asemenea, am stabilit legături strînse de colaborare cu savanţi din Spania, Italia şi Franţa, care se ocupă cu sisteme dinamice neautonome şi aplicaţiile lor. Legături mai eficiente şi publicaţii comune am cu savanţi din S.U.A. (Prof. J. Duan – Institutul Tehnologic din Illinois), Germania (Prof. P. E. Kloeden – Universitatea din Frankfurt, Prof. B. Schmalfuss – Universitatea din Padernborn), Italia (Prof. C. Mamman şi Dr. E. Michetti – Universitatea din Macerata), Spania (Prof. T. Caraballo – Universitatea din Sevilla), Franţa (Prof. Boularas Driss – Universitatea din Limoges)  şi China (Prof. Zhenxin Liu -- Universitatea Technologica din Dalian) .


Domenii de interes ştiinţific:

  • Sisteme dinamice neautonome şi aplicaţiile lor;
  • Atractori globali ai sistemelor dinamice;
  • Sisteme dinamice dispersive;
  • Atractori globali şi teoria stabilităţii sistemelor de control;
  • Teoria calitativă a ecuaţiilor diferenţiale;
  • Incluziuni diferenţiale şi în diferenţe finite;
  • Ecuaţii diferenţiale şi funcţional-diferenţiale;
  • Ecuaţii diferenţiale cu derivate parţiale.




Publicaţii ştiinţifice:

199 publicaţii,

inclusive 10 monografii:


1. David N. Cheban, Nonautonomous Dynamics: Nonlinear Oscillations and
Global Attractors. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, xxii+ 434 pp.

2. David N. Cheban, Global Attractors of Nonautonomous Dynamical and Control Systems. 2nd Edition. Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, vol.18, River Edge, NJ: World Scientific, 2015, xxv+589 pp. 

3.  David N. Cheban, Lyapunov Stability of Non-Autonomous Dynamical Systems. Nova Science Publishers Inc, New York, 2013, xii+275pp. 

4.  D. N., Global Attractors of Set-Valued Dynamical and Control Systems. Nova Science Publishers Inc, New York, 2010, pp.307. (

5. Cheban D. N., Asymptotically Almost Periodic Solutions of Differential Equations. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, New York, 2009, 220 pp. (

6. Cheban D. N. Global Attractors of Nonautonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences 1. River Edge, New Jercey: World Scientific, 2004, 528 pp. (

7. Чебан Д. Н., Глобальные аттракторы неавтономных динамических систем. Издательский Центр Молдавского Госуниверситета. Chişinău, 2002, 386 стр.

8.  Чебан Д. Н., Асимптотически почти периодические решения дифференциальных уравнений. Издательский Центр Молдавского Госуниверситета. Chişinău, 2002, 226 стр.

9. Чебан Д. Н., Факих Д. С. Глобальные аттракторы дисперсных динамических систем. “Sigma”, Chişinău, 1994, 167 стр.

10. Чебан Д. Н. Теория линейных дифференциальных уравнений. Избранные главы. Кишинев, Штиинца, 1980, 111 стр.

şi 3 manuale

  1. Чебан Д. Н. Высшая математика (Краткий справочник). „Evrika”, Chişinău, 1997, 75 стр. (на русском и румынском языках).
  2. Чебан Д. Н. Обыкновенные дифференциальные уравнения. Руководство к решению задач. Издательский ентр Молдавского Госуниверситета, Chişinău, 2001, 406 стр.
  3. Ceban D. N., Şubă A. Probleme de ecuaţii diferenţiale. Centrul Editorial al Universităţii de Stat din Moldova, Chişinău, 2001, 272 pp.


Publicaţii recente:


18. David Cheban, Bohr/Levitan Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of
Monotone Difference Equations with a Strict Monotone First Integral. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Vol.28, No.4, 2022, pp.510-546.

17. David Cheban, One-dimensional Monotone Non-autonomous Dynamical
Systems and Strange Nonchaotic Attractors. Book of abstracts: International Scientific
Conference "Algebraic and Geometric Methods of Analysis". May 24-27, 2022, Odesa, Ukraine, pp.5-6. 

16. David Cheban, Different Types of Compact Global Attractors for Cocycles
with a Noncompact Phase Space of Driving System and the Relationship Between Them.  Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.1 (98), 2022., pp.35-55.

15. David Cheban, Averaging Principle on Semi-axis for Semi-linear
Differential Equations. Book of Absracts: The 29th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIM 2022), Dedicated to the memory of Academician Mitrofan M. Choban. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, August 25-27, 2022.
Tiraspol State University, pp.52-55. 

14. David Cheban, On the structure of te Levinson center for monotone non-autonomous dynamical systems with a first integral.Carpatian Journal of Matematics, Vol.38, No.1, 2022, pp.67-94.


13. David Cheban and Zhenxin Liu, Weak Averaging Principle on Infinite Interval for Stochastic Ordinary Differential
Equations. Electronic Research Archive (ERA), Vol.29, No.4, 2021, pp.2791-2817. 

12. David Cheban, On the structure of the Levinson center for monotone dissipative non-autonomous dynamical systems.
Chapter in the book "Advance in Mathematics Research",Volume 29. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2021, pp.173-218. 


11. David Cheban, Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Monotone Differential Equations with a Strict Monotone First Integral. Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.3. 2020, pp.39-74.

10. David N. Cheban, Nonautonomous Dynamics. Nonlinear Oscillations and Global Attractors.  Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, xxii+ 434 pp.

9. David Cheban and Zhenxin Liu, Periodic, quasi-periodic, almost periodic, almost automorphic, Birkhoff recurrent and Poisson stable solutions for stochastic differential equations Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 269, No. 4, 2020, pp.3652-3685.

8. David Cheban, The Structure of Global Attractors for Non-Autonomous Perturbations of Gradient-Like Dynamical Systems. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, Vol. 32, No.3, 2020, pp.1113-1138.


7.  David Cheban, Levitan Almost Periodic Solutions for Linear Partial Differential Equations. The Fifth Conference of the Mathematical Society of the Republic of Moldova: IMCS-55. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, September 28-- October 1, 2019, pp.36-39.

6. David Cheban, Levitan Almost Periodic Solutions of Infinite-dimensional Linear Differential Equations. Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.2 (90), 2019, pp.56-78.

5. Cheban D. N., The Structure of Global Attractors for Non-Autonomous Perturbations of Gradient-Like Dynamicalstems. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, June 26, 2019, 26 pages. DOI: 10.1007/s10884-019-09776-9 .

4. David Cheban and Zhenxin Liu, Poisson Stable Solutions of Monotone Differential Equations. SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, Vol.62, No.7, 2019, pp.1391-1418.

3. Cheban D. N., I. U. Bronshtein's Conjecture for Monotone Nonautonomous
Dynamical Systems. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems: series B, 2019, Vol.24, No.3, pp.1095--1113.

2. Cheban D. N., Bohr/Levitan Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Linear Stochastic Differential Equations without Favard's Separation Condition. Chapter in book "Advance in Evolution Equations:
Evolution Equations: Almost Periodicity and Beyond". Editors: G. N'Guerekata, Jin Lian and Alexander Pankov. Dedicated to the memory of V. V. Zhikov. Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2019, ix+327 pp, pp.155--206.


 1. Cheban D. N., Levitan/Bohr Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutionsof the Scalar Differential
Equations. Dynamical Systems: An International Journal, 2018, Vol.33, No.4, pp.667-690.


Publicații în reviste menționate:

145. David Cheban, Bohr/Levitan Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of
Monotone Difference Equations with a Strict Monotone First Integral. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Vol.28, No.4, 2022, pp.510-546.

144. David Cheban, Different Types of Compact Global Attractors for Cocycles
with a Noncompact Phase Space of Driving System and the Relationship Between Them.
Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.1 (98), 2022., pp.35-55.

143. David Cheban, On the structure of te Levinson center for monotone non-autonomous dynamical systems with a first integral.Carpatian Journal of Matematics, Vol.38, No.1, 2022, pp.67-94.

142. David Cheban and Zhenxin Liu, Weak Averaging Principle on Infinite Interval for Stochastic Ordinary Differential
Equations. Electronic Research Archive (ERA), Vol.29, No.4, 2021, pp.2791-2817. 

141. David Cheban, On the structure of the Levinson center for monotone dissipative non-autonomous dynamical systems.
Chapter in the book "Advance in Mathematics Research",Volume 29. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2021, pp.173-218. 

140. David Cheban, Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Monotone Differential Equations with a Strict Monotone First Integral. Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.3. 2020, pp.39-74.

139. David Cheban and Zhenxin Liu, Periodic, quasi-periodic, almost periodic, almost automorphic, Birkhoff recurrent and Poisson stable solutions for stochastic differential equations Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 269, No. 4, 2020, pp.3652-3685. 

138.  David Cheban, The Structure of Global Attractors for Non-Autonomous Perturbations of Gradient-Like Dynamical Systems. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, Vol. 32, No.3, 2020, pp.1113-1138.

137. David N. Cheban, Nonautonomous Dynamics: Nonlinear Oscillations and Global Attractors. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, xxii+ 434 pp.

136.  David Cheban, Levitan Almost Periodic Solutions for Linear Partial Differential Equations. The Fifth Conference of the Mathematical Society of the Republic of Moldova: IMCS-55. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, September 28-- October 1, 2019, pp.36-39.

135. David Cheban, Levitan Almost Periodic Solutions of Infinite-dimensional Linear Differential Equations. Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.2 (90), 2019, pp.56-78.

134. Cheban D. N., The Structure of Global Attractors for Non-Autonomous Perturbations of Gradient-Like Dynamical Systems. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, June 26, 2019, 26 pages. DOI: 10.1007/s10884-019-09776-9 .

133. David Cheban and Zhenxin Liu, Poisson Stable Solutions of Monotone Differential Equations. SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, Vol.62, No.7, 2019, pp.1391-1418.

32. Cheban D. N., I. U. Bronshtein's Conjecture for Monotone Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems: series B, 2019, Vol.24, No.3, pp.1095--1113.

131. Cheban D. N., Bohr/Levitan Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Linear Stochastic Differential Equations without Favard's Separation Condition. Chapter in book "Advance in Evolution Equations: Evolution Equations: Almost Periodicity and Beyond". Editors: G. N'Guerekata, Jin Lian and Alexander Pankov. Dedicated to the memory of V. V. Zhikov. Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2019, ix+327 pp, pp.155--206.

130. Cheban D. N., Levitan/Bohr Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutionsof the Scalar Differential
Equations. Dynamical Systems: An International Journal, 2018, Vol.33, No.4, pp.667-690.

129. Cheban D. N., Bohr/Levitan Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Linear Stochastic Differential Equations without Favard's Separation Condition. Internationl Journal of Evolution Equations, 2017, Vol. 10, N0.3-4, pp.349-389.

128. Cheban D. N., Linear Stochastic Differential Equations and Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Proceedings CMSM4, The Fourth Conference of Mathematical Society of the Republic of Moldova: dedicated to the centenary of Vladimir Andrunachievici (1917-1997). June 28 –July 2, Chisinau 2017, pp.255-258.

127. Cheban D. N., Mammana C. and Michetti E., The Structure of Global Attractors for Non-Autonomous Perturbations of Discrete Gradient-Like Dynamical Systems. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Vol.22, No.11, 2016, pp.1673--1697.

126. Cheban D. N., Mammana C. and Michetti E., Global attractors of non-autonomous difference equations: A growth model with endogenous population growth. Dynamical Systems and Applications, 24 (2015), no.1-2, pp.17-33.

125. Cheban D. N., The Structure of Global Attractors for Non-Autonomous Gradient-Like Dynamical Systems. International conferences "Mathematics & Information Technologies: Research and Eduacation (MITRE-2015). Abstracts, Chisinau, July 2-4, 2015, p.21-22.

124. Cheban D. N., Relation between Levinson center, chain recurrent set and center of Birkhoff for compact dissipative dynamical systems. Bulletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.2 (78), 2015, pp.42--60.

123. Cheban D.N. and Kalitine B.S., On the stability of gradient-like systems. International mathematical conference "Sixth Bogdanov reads on ordinary differential equations", December 7-10, 2015. Abstracts of conference, Vol.1, Minsk, 2015, pp.90-92.

122. Cheban D.N. Global Attractors of Nonautonomous Dynamical and Control Systems. Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, vol.18, River Edge, NJ: World Scientific, 2015, xxv+589 pp.

121. Cheban David, Belitskii--Lyubich Conjecture for C-Analytic Dynamical Systems. DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS SERIES, series B, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2015 pp. 945--959.

120. Cheban D. N. and Kalitine B. S., On the Stability of Gradient-Like Systems. International Journal of Evolution Equations, Vol.9, No.2, 2014, pp.151-166.

119. Cheban D. N., Compact Global Attractors of Non-autonomus Gradient-Like Dynamical Systems. Bulletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.2 (75), 2014, pp.85--101.

118. Cheban D. N., Markus-Yamabe Conjecture for Non-Autonomous Systems. Nonlinear Analysis: TMA, Volume 95, 2014, pp.202–218.

117. Cheban D. N., Compact Global Chaotic Attractors of Discrete Control Systems. Nonautonomous and Stochastic Dynamical Systems, DOI: 10.2478/msds-2013-0002 • NSDS • 2014 • pp.10-25.

116. Cheban D. N., Asymptotic Stability of Non-autonomus Dynamical Systems. Bulletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.1 (71), 2013, pp.11-44.

115. Cheban D. N. and Mammana C., Markus-Sell's Theorem for Asymptotically Almost Periodic Systems. Chapter in the Book „Dynamical Systems: Theory, Applications and Future Directions". Editor: Jean Michel Tchuenche (Atlanta, GA , USA). Nova Science Publishers, 2013, pp.1--20.

114. Cheban D. N., Lyapunov Stability of Non-Autonomous Dynamical Systems. Nova Science Publishers Inc, 2013, xii+275 pp.

113. Cheban D. N., Mammana C. and Michetti E., Global attractors of quasi-linear non-autonomous difference equations: A growth model with endogenous population growth. Nonlinear Analysis: serie B, 14 (2013) pp.1716 - 1731.

112. Caraballo Tomas and Cheban David, Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Linear Differential Equations. DCDS-A, vol. 33, no. 5, 2013, pp.1857-1882.

111. Caraballo Tomas and Cheban David, On the Structure of the Global Attractor for Infinite-Dimensional Non-autonomous Dynamical Systems with Weak Convergence. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis (CPAA), vol.12, no.1, 2013, pp. 281-302 .

110. Caraballo Tomas and Cheban David, Almost Periodic Motions in Semi-Group Dynamical Systems and Bohr/Levitan almost periodic solutions of Linear difference equations without Favard's separation condition. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Volume 19, Issue 6, 2013, pp.872-897.

109. Cheban D. N., Sell's conjecture for Non-Autonomous Dynamical Systems. Nonlinear Analysis: TMA, Vol.75, no.7, 2012, pp.3393-3406.

108. Caraballo Tomas and Cheban David, On the Structure of the Global Attractor for Non-autonomous Dynamical Systems with Weak Convergence. Communications in Pure and Applied Analysis, Vol.11, no.2, 2012, pp.809-828.

107. Caraballo Tomas and Cheban David, On the Structure of the Global Attractor for Non-autonomous Difference Equations with Weak Convergence. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Volume 18, Issue 18, 2012, pp.535-551.

106. Caraballo Tomas and Cheban David, Levitan/Bohr Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Second-Order Monotone Differential Equations. Journal of Differential Equations, Vol.251, No.3, 2011, pp.708-727.

105. Caraballo Tomas and Cheban David, Almost Periodic and Asymptotically Almost Periodic Solutions of Lienard Equation. DCDS-B, Vol.16, No.3, 2011, pp.703-717 .

104. Cheban D. N., Global Attractors of Set-Valued Dynamical and Control Systems. Nova Science Publishers Inc, New York, 2010, xvii+269 pp.

103. Cheban D. N., Compact Global Attractors of Control Systems. Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, vol.16 (2010), no.1, pp. 23--44.

102. Boularas Driss and Cheban David, Asymptototic Stability of Switching Systems. Electronical Journal of Differential Equations, 2010 (2010), no.21, pp.1-18.

101. Cheban D. N. and Mammana C., Invariant Manifolds, Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Seconde-Order Monotone Equations. New Research on Evolution Equations: Editor G. M. N'Guerekata. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, 2009, pp.123--145.

100. Cheban D. N., Kloeden P. E. and Schmalfuss B., Relation Between pullback and Global Attractors of Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Advances in Chaotic Dynamics and Applications. Stability, Oscilations and Optimization of Systems. Editors: C. Cruz-Hernandez and A. A. Martynyuk: Vol. 4, Cambridge Scientific Publishers, 2009, 280 pp., pp. 1-25.

99. Cheban D., Asymptotically Almost Periodic Solutions of Differential Equations.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation, New York, 2009, ix+186 pp.

98. Caraballo T. and Cheban D., Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Linear Differential/Difference Equations without Favard's Separation Condition.II J. Differential Equations, 246 (2009), pp.1164--1186.

97. Caraballo T. and Cheban D., Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Linear Differential/Difference Equations without Favard's Separation Condition.I J. Differential Equations, 246 (2009), pp.108--128.

96. Cheban D. N., Mammana C. and Michetti E., Global Attractors of Nonautonomous Difference Equations. Bulletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.1 (59), 2009, pp.45--57.

95. Cheban D. N. and Schmalfuss B., Invariant Manifolds, Global Attractors, Almost Automrphic and Almost Periodic Solutions of Non-Autonomous Differential Equations. J.Math.Anal.Appl., 340, no.1 (2008), 374-393.

94. Cheban D. N., Levitan Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of V-monotone Differential Equations. J. Dyn. Diff. Eqns, Vol.20, No.3, 2008, pp.669--697.

93. Cheban D. N., Mammana C. and Michetti E., Global Attractors of Quasi-Linear Non-Autonomous Difference Equations.
Bulletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.1 (56), 2008, pp.84--104.

92. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Invariant Manifolds and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Second-Order Monotone Equations. Proceedins: EQUADIFF 11. International conference on differential equations: Czecho-Slovak series. Comenius University, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA,July 25 - 29, 2007, pp.141-147.

91. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Continuous Dependence of Attractors on Parameters of Non-Autonomous Dynamical Systems and Infinite Iterated Functions Systems. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Vol. 18, No.2-3, 2007, 499-515.

90. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Almost Periodic Solutions of Non-Autonomous Beverton-Holt Difference Equations. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS, Issue 5, Volume 5, May 2006, pp.1048-1053.

89. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Global Compact Attractors of Discrete Inclusions. Nonlinear Analysis,
v.65 , No.8, 2006, pp.1669-1687.

88. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Invariant Manifolds, Almost Periodic and Almost Automorpfic Solutions of Second-Order Monotone Equations. International Journal of Evolution Equations, V.1, No.4, 2005, pp.319-343.../HP(14.09.2012)/pdf/2006/ch_m_2006_2ndord.pdf

87. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Absolute Asymptotic Stability of Discrete Linear Inclusions. Bulletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.1 (47), 2005, pp.43-68.

86. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Relation between Different Types of Global Attractors of Non-Autonomous Set-Valued Dynamical Systems. Set-Valued Analysis, Vol.13, No.3, 2005, pp.291-321.

85. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Invariant Manifolds, Global Attractors and Almost Periodic Solutions of Non-autonomous Difference Equations. Equadiff 2003. Proceedings of the International Conference on Differential Equations. Hasselt, Belgium 22-26 July 2003. Singapore: World Scientific, 2005, pp.833-838.

84. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Relation between Different Types of Stabilities of Linear Non-Autonomous Dynamical Systems. Dynamical Systems and Applications, Proceedings, pp.205-227, July 5-10, 2005, Antalya, Turkey.

83. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Asymptotic Stability of Autonomous and Non-Autonomous Discrete Linear Inclusions. Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.3 (46), 2004, pp.41-52.

82. D. Cheban. Global Attractors of Nonautonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences 1. River Edge, NJ: World Scientific, 2004, xxiii+502 pp.

81. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Invariant Manifolds, Global Attractors and Almost Periodic Solutions of Non-autonomous Difference equations. Nonlinear Analyses, serie A, v.56, No.4, 2004, pp.465-484.

80. D. Cheban and J. Duan. Almost Periodic Solutions and Global Attractors of Non-Atonomous Navier-Stokes Equations. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, v.16, No.1, 2004, pp.1-34.

79. D. Cheban and J. Duan. Recurrent Motions and Global Attractors of Non-Atonomous Lorenz Systems. Dynamical Systems: An International Journal, v.19, No.1, 2004, pp.41-59.

78. D. Cheban, J. Duan and A. Gherco. Generalization of Second Bogoliubov's Theorem for Non-Almost Periodic Systems. Nonlinear Analys: Real World Applications, v.4, No.4, 2003, pp.599-613.

77. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Upper Semicontinuity of Attractors of Set-Valued Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, v 4, No.5, 2003, pp.385-418.

76. D. Cheban, P. Kloeden and B. Schmalfuss. Global Attractors of V-monotone Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Bulletin of Academy of sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics, 2003.
No.1(41), pp.47-57.

75. V. Bongolan-Walsh, D. Cheban and J. Duan. Recurrent Motions in the Nonautonomous Navier-Stokes System. Continuous and Disrete Dynamical Systems - serie B, V.3, No.2, 2003, pp.255-262.

74. D. Cheban, J. Duan and A. Gherco. Heteroclinic Points of Multi-dimensional Dynamical Systems. Electron. J. Diff. Eqns. Vol. 2003(2003), No. 41, pp. 1-21.

73. D. Cheban. Global Attractors of Dynamical Systems. Electronic Journal Differential Equations and Control Processes. V.3, 2003, pp.1-56.

72. D. Cheban, P. Kloeden and B. Schmalfuss. Relation Between Pullback and Global Attractors of Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, v.2,
No.2(2002), pp.9-28.

71. D. Cheban. Upper Semicontinuity of Attractors of Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems for Small Perturbations. Electron. J. Diff. Eqns., Vol.2002(2002), No.42, pp.1-21.

70. D. Cheban. Global Attractors of Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems Kishinev. State University of Moldova, 2002 (in russian), pp.1-386.

69. D. Cheban. Asymptotical Almost Periodic Solutions of Differential Equations. Kishinev, State University of Moldova, 2002 (in Russian), pp.1-227.

68. D. Cheban. Global Attractors of Quasihomogeneous Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Electron. J. Diff. Eqns.,
Vol.2002(2002), No.10, pp.1-19.

67. D. Cheban. Global Attractors of Quasihomogeneous Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations. (May 18-21, 2000, Kennesaw, GA, USA) Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2001, Added Volume, pp.96-101.

66. D. Cheban. Uniform Exponential Stability of Linear Periodic Systems in a Banach Spaces. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. vol. 2001 (2001), .03, pp.1-12.

65. D. Cheban. Schmalfuss B. and P. Kloeden. Pullback Attractors in Dissipative Nonautonomous Differential Equations under Discretization. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, vol.13, No.1, 2001, pp. 185-213.

64. D. Cheban. Global Pullback Atttactors of C-Analytic Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Stochastics and Dynamics. 2001
,v.1, No.4,pp.511-535.

63. D. Cheban. Global Pullback Atttactors of C-Analytic Cocycles. Bulletin of Academy of sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics, 2001. .2(36),2001, pp.65-74.

62. D. Cheban. Kloeden pp. E. and Schmalfuss B., Pullbac Attractors under Discretization. Proceeding EQUADIFF99. Berlin 1999, vol.2 (Edited by B. Fiedler, K. Groger and J. Sprekels). World Scientific 2000, pp.1024-1029.

61. D. Cheban. Uniform Exponential Stability of Linear Almost Periodic Systems in a Banach spaces. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. vol. 2000 (2000), No.29, pp.1-18.

60. D. Cheban. An Analogy of Cameron-Johnson Theorem for the Linear C-analytic Equations in the Hilbert Space. Mathematical Notes, v.68, No.6, 2000, pp.935-938.

59. D. Cheban and B. Schmalfuss. Global Attractors of Nonautonomous Disperse Dynamical Systems and Differential Inclusions. Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics, 1999.
No1(29), pp.3 - 22.

58. D. Cheban. Global Attractors of Non-autonomous Dynamical Systems and Almost Periodic Limit Regimes of Some Classes of Evolution Equations. Anale Fac. de Mat. si Inform., v. 1, 1999, pp. 1-26.

57. D. Cheban. Relations Between the Different Type of Stability of the Linear Almost Periodical Systems in the Banach Space. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. vol. 1999 (1999), No.46, pp.1-9.

56. D. Cheban. Global Attractors of Infinite-dimensional Non-autonomous Dynamical Systems, II. Bulletin of Academy of sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics, 1998, N2 (27), pp.25-38.

55. D. Cheban. The Asymptotics of Solutions of Infinite Dimensional Homogeneous Dynamical Systems. Mathematical Notes, 1998. v. 63,
N1 , pp.115-126.

54. D. Cheban. Bounded Solutions of the Linear Almost Periodic Systems of Differential Equations. Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Russia, Mathematics Series. 1998, v. 62, N3, pp.155-174.

53. D. Cheban. Global Attractors of Infinite-dimensional Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems, I. Bulletin of Academy of sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics 1997, N3 (25), pp. 42-55

52. D. Cheban. On the Structure of Compact Asymptotically Stable Sets of C-analytic Almost Periodic Systems. Abstract of speech at Scientific Conference of Moldavian State University, Kishinev, 1995.

51. D. Cheban. Converse of Lyapunov's Theorem on Asymptotic Stability by the First Approximation for C-analytic Non-autonomous Systems. Mathematical Notes, 1995. v. 57, N1, pp. 139-142.

50. D. Cheban. Global Attractors of Infinite-dimensional Systems, II. Bulletin of Academy of sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics. 1995, N1 (17), pp. 28-37.

49. D. Cheban and D. Fakeeh. Global Attractors of Infinite-dimensional Systems, III. Bulletin of Academy of sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics. 1995, N2-3 (18-19), pp. 3-13.

48. D. Cheban. On the Structure of Compact Asymptotically Stable Sets of the C-analytic Almost Periodic Systems. Differential Equations, 1995, v. 31, N12, pp. 2025-2028.

47. D. Cheban and D. Fakeeh. Global Attractors of the Dynamical Systems Without Uniqueness. Kishinev,"Sigma", 1994, ppp.1-167. (
in Russian).

46. D. Cheban. Global Attractors of Infinite-dimensional Systems, I. Bulletin of Academy of sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics, 1994, N2 (15), pp. 12-21.

45. D. Cheban and D. Fakeeh. Connectivity of the Levinson Centre of Compactly Dissipative Dynamical System without Uniqueness. Bulletin of Academy of siences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics, 1993, N1 (11), pp. 15-22.

44. D. Cheban. Some Problems of the Theory of Dissipative Dynamical Systems, II. Functional methods in the theory of differential equations (Mathematical researches, issue 124). Kishinev, "Stiinta", 1992, pp. 106-122.

43. D. Cheban. Locally Dissipative Dynamical Systems and Some of Their Applications. Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics, 1992, N1 (8), pp.7-14.

42. D. Cheban. Dissipative Functional Differential Equations. Bulletin of Academy of sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics, 1991, N2 (6), pp. 3-12.

41. D. Cheban. On the Structure of the Levinson Centre of Dissipative Dynamical Systems with the Hyperbolicity Condition on the Closure of the Set of Recurrent Motions. Differential Equations, 1990. v. 26, N5, pp. 913-914.

40. D. Cheban. On the Structure of the Levinson Centre of a Dissipative Dynamical System with the Hyperbolicity Condition on the Set of Recurrent Motions. Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics. 1990, N2 (3), pp. 34-43.

39. D. Cheban. Non-autonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems with a Hyperbolic Subset of Centre (One-dimensional Case). Mathematical Notes, 1989, v. 45, 6, pp. 93-98.

38. D. Cheban. Some Problems of the Theory of Dissipative Dynamical Systems, I. Differential equations and mathematical physics. Kishinev, "Stiinta", 1989, pp. 147-163.

37. D. Cheban. On One of J.Hale's Problems. Mathematical Notes
,1989, v. 46, N1, pp. 120-121.

36. D. Cheban. Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems with a Convergence. Differential Equations, 1989. v. 25, N9, pp. 1633-1635.

35. D. Cheban. Impulse and Difference Dissipative Systems with Periodic Coefficients. Researches on Differential Equations and mathematical analysis. Kishinev, "Stiinta", 1988, pp. 127-142.

34. D. Cheban. Principle of Averaging on the Semi-axis for the Dissipative Systems. Dynamical systems and equations of mathematical physics. Kishinev, "Stiinta", 1988, pp. 149-161.

33. D. Cheban. On the Structure of the Levinson Centre of Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Differential Equations, 1988. v. 24, N6, pp. 1086.

32. D. Cheban. Nonautonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Method of Lyapunov Functions. Problems of the qualitative theory of differential equations. Novosibirsk, 1988, pp. 56-64.

31. D. Cheban. On the Structure of the Levinson Centre of Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Differential Equations, 1988. v. 24, N9, pp. 1564-1576.

30. D. Cheban. Nonautonomous Dissipative Dynamical systems. Method of Lyapunov functions. Differential Equations, 1987. v. 23, N3, pp. 464-474.

29. D. Cheban. Boundedness, Dissipativity and Almost Periodicity of the Solutions of Linear and Weakly Nonlinear Systems of Differential Equations. Dynamical systems and boundary value problems. Kishinev, "Stiinta", 1987, pp. 143-159.

28. D. Cheban. Nonautonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Soviet Math. Dokl, v. 33, N1. 1986, pp. 207-210.

27. D. Cheban. One Test of the Convergence of Nonlinear Systems in Hilbert Spaces. Differential equations and their invariants. Kishinev, "Stiinta", 1986, pp. 136-143.

26. D. Cheban. Test of the Convergence of Nonlinear systems by the First Approximation. Differential equations and their invariants. Kishinev, "Stiinta", 1986, pp. 144-150.

25. D. Cheban. Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Lyapunov Functions method. Abstract of speech at the 6th All-Union conference of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations. Irkutsk, 1986, pp. 197-198.

24. D. Cheban. C-analytic Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Differential Equations, 1986. v. 22, N11, pp. 1915-1922.

23. D. Cheban. On the Nonautonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk, 1986, v. 41, N4 (250), pp. 169.

22. D. Cheban. Quasiperiodic Solutions of the Dissipative Systems
with a Quasiperiodic Coefficients. Differential Equations, v. 22, N2. 1986, pp. 267-278.

21. D. Cheban. On the Second Lyapunov Method in the Theory of Stability of Dynamical Systems. Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems. Kishinev, "Stiinta", 1985, pp. 139-147.

20. D. Cheban. Nonautonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Differential Equations, 1985, v. 21, N5, pp. 913-914.

19. D. Cheban. Dynamical Systems of Translations in the Spaces of Functions and Distributions. Research on the Functional Analysis and Differential Equations. Kishinev, "Stiinta", 1984, pp. 130-142.

18. D. Cheban. Periodic and Quasiperiodic Solutions of Linear Differential Equations. Differential Equations, 1984, v. 20, N8, pp. 1455-1456.

17. D. Cheban. On the Stability of Levinson Centre of Nonautonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Differential Equations, 1984
,v. 20, N11, pp. 2016-2018.

16. D. Cheban. Compatible Solutions of Differential Equation x’’=f(t,x) in the Hilbert space. Research on the Differential Equations. Kishinev, "Stiinta", 1983, pp. 101-111.

15. D. Cheban. Compatible Solutions of Linear Partial Differential Equations. Researches on the Differential Equations. Kishinev,"Stiinta", 1983, pp. 101-111.

14. V. Amelkin and D. Cheban. Bounded Solutions and Periodic Oscillations of Differential Systems. Differential Equations and Theory of Operators. Kishinev, "Stiinta", 1982, pp. 3-9.

13. D. Cheban and I. Cheban. Anti Almost Periodic Solutions of Differential Equations. Research on the Functional Analysis and Differential Equations. Kishinev, "Stiinta", 1981, pp. 100-108.

12. D. Cheban and A. Shipkov. Bounded solutions of differential equations with complex time. Research on the Functional Analysis and Differential Equations. Kishinev, "Stiinta", 1981, pp. 116-123.

11. D. Cheban. Some Theorems of the Injection of Dynamical Systems. Algebraic Invariants of Dynamical Systems. Kishinev, "Stiinta". 1980, pp. 118-122.

10. D. Cheban. A Theory of the Linear Differential Equations (selected chapters). Kishinev, "Shtiintsa", 1980, pp.1-110.

9. D. Cheban. Some Properties of Linear Systems of Differential Equations with Asymptotically Almost Periodic Coefficients. Differential Equations 1978, v. 14, N5, pp. 940-942.

8. D. Cheban and V. Chernii. On the Question of Exponential Dichotomy on Semi-axis of Solutions of Differential Equations. Differential Equations, 1978, v. 14, No.11, pp. 2012-2018.

7. D. Cheban. On the Boundedness and Asymptotic Almost Periodicity of Solutions of Differential Equations Solutions. Kishinev, "Stiinta", Mathematical Sciences, No.1, 1977, pp. 72-76.

6. D. Cheban. On the Comparability of the Points of Dynamical Systems with Regard to the Character of Recurrence Property in the Limit. Kishinev, "Stiinta", Mathematical Sciences, No.1, 1977, pp. 66-71.

5. B. Scherbakov and D. Cheban. Poisson Asymptotic Stability of Motions of Dynamical Systems and their Comparability with Regard to the Recurrence Property in the Limit. Differential Equations, v. 13, N5. 1977, pp. 898-906.

4. D. Cheban. Poisson Asymptotic Stability of Solutions of Operational Equations. Differential Equations, v. 13, N8, 1977, pp. 978-983.

3. D. Cheban. On the Problem of Structural Stability of Linear Systems of Differential Equations with Almost Periodic Coefficients. Differential Equations, 1977, v. 13, N11, pp. 2099-2101.

2. D. Cheban. Uniformly isochron Solutions of Linear System of Differential Equations. Kishinev, "Stiinta". 1974, v. 32, N2, pp. 204-213.

1. D. Cheban. Poisson Asymptotically Stable Solutions of Non-linear Differential Equations.
Kishinev, "Stiinta". Mathematical searches, 1974, v. 37, N3, pp. 231-237.


Lista completă a publicațiilor:




199. David Cheban, One-dimensional Monotone Non-autonomous Dynamical Systems and Strange Nonchaotic Attractors. Book of abstracts: International Scientific Conference "Algebraic and Geometric Methods of Analysis", May
24-27, 2022, Odesa, Ukraine, pp.5-6.

198. David Cheban, Averaging Principle on Semi-axis for Semi-linear Differential Equations. Book of Absracts: The 29th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIM 2022), Dedicated to the memory of Academician Mitrofan M.
Choban. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, August 25-27, 2022. Tiraspol State University, pp.52-55.

197. David Cheban, Bohr/Levitan Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of
Monotone Difference Equations with a Strict Monotone First Integral. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Vol.28, No.4, 2022, pp.510-546.

196. David Cheban, Different Types of Compact Global Attractors for Cocycles
with a Noncompact Phase Space of Driving System and the Relationship Between Them.
Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.1 (98), 2022., pp.35-55.

195. David Cheban, On the structure of te Levinson center for monotone non-autonomous dynamical systems with a first integral.Carpatian Journal of Matematics, Vol.38, No.1, 2022, pp.67-94.


194. David Cheban and Zhenxin Liu, Weak Averaging Principle on Infinite Interval for Stochastic Ordinary Differential
Equations. Electronic Research Archive (ERA), Vol.29, No.4, 2021, pp.2791-2817. 

193. David Cheban, On the structure of Levinson center of monotone almost periodic systems. International Virtual Conference "Mathematics & Information Technologies: Research and Education (MITRE-2021),  Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, July 01-03, 2021., dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Moldova State University, pp.22-23.

192. David Cheban, Almost periodic solutions and compact global attractors of equations modelling growth processes and gonorrhea epidemics. Book of Abstracts. 13th International ISAAC Congress, August 2–August 6 2021, Ghent University,
Ghent, Belgium, 2021, pp.19-20.

191. David Cheban, On the structure of the Levinson center for monotone dissipative non-autonomous dynamical systems.
Chapter in the book "Advance in Mathematics Research",Volume 29. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2021, pp.173-218. 

190. David Cheban, On the structure of the Levinson center for monotone dissipatnon-autonomous dynamical systems.
Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Dynamical Systems: Stability, Control, Optimization" (DSSCO’21) in memory of Professor R.F. Gabasov. October 5-10, 2021, Minsk}. Belarussian State University, 2021, pp.11-13.


189. David Cheban and Zhenxin Liu, Poisson Stable Solutions of Monotone Differential Equations. Mathematical Research with Reviews, Issue 1, Art. 2, 2020, 7 pages. Prior Science Publishing.

188. David  Cheban, Perron-Frobenius Dynamics for Markov Chains. Proceeding of the International Symposium "Actual Problems of Mathematics and Informatis" dedicated to the 90th Bithday of Professor Ion Valuta, November 27-28, 2020,
Chisinau, Moldova, pp.51-53.

187. David Cheban, Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Monotone Differential Equations with a Strict Monotone First Integral. Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.3. 2020, pp.39-74.

186. David N. Cheban, Nonautonomous Dynamics. Nonlinear Oscillations and Global Attractors.  Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, xxii+ 434 pp.

185. David Cheban and Zhenxin Liu, Periodic, quasi-periodic, almost periodic, almost automorphic, Birkhoff recurrent and Poisson stable solutions for stochastic differential equations Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 269, No. 4, 2020, pp.3652-3685.

184. David Cheban, The Structure of Global Attractors for Non-Autonomous Perturbations of Gradient-Like Dynamical Systems. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, Vol. 32, No.3, 2020, pp.1113-1138.

183. David N. Cheban, Monotone Nonautonomous Differential Equations with the First Integral. Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference "Modern problems of Differential Equations and their Application" dedicated to the 100th   anniversary   of S.D. Eidelman birthday. Chernivtsi, Ukraine September 16–19, 2020, pp.17-18.


182. David Cheban and Zhenxin Liu, Poisson Stable Solutions of Monotone Differential Equations. SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, Vol.62, No.7, 2019, pp.1391-1418.

181. Cheban D. N., Levitan Almost Periodic Solutions for Linear Differential Equations Abstracts of the International Conference "Mathematics \& Information Technologies: Research and Education (MITRE-2019)", Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, June 24-25, 2019. Satelite Conference of the Ninth Congress of Romanian Mathematicians., 2019, pp.20-21.

180. David Cheban, Levitan Almost Periodic Solutions of Infinite-dimensional Linear Differential Equations. Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.2 (90), 2019, pp.56-78.

179. David Cheban, Levitan Almost Periodic Solutions for Linear Partial Differential Equations. The Fifth Conference of the Mathematical Society of the Republic of Moldova: IMCS-55.Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, September 28-- October 1, 2019, pp.36-39.

178. Cheban D. N., I. U. Bronshtein's Conjecture for Monotone Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems: series B, 2019, Vol.24, No.3, pp.1095-1113. 

177. Cheban D. N., Bohr/Levitan Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Linear Stochastic Differential Equations without Favard's Separation Condition. Chapter in book "Advance in Evolution Equations: Evolution Equations: Almost Periodicity and Beyond". Editors: G. N'Guerekata, Jin Lian and Alexander Pankov. Dedicated to the memory of V. V. Zhikov. Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2019, ix+327 pp, pp.155-206.


176. Cheban D. N., Levitan/Bohr Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of the Scalar Differential Equations. Dynamical Systems: An International Journal. 2018, Vol.33, No.4, pp.667-690. 


175. Cheban D. N., Linear Stochastic Differential Equations and Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Proceedings CMSM4, The Fourth Conference of Mathematical Society of the Republic of Moldova: dedicated to the centenary of Vladimir Andrunachievici (1917-1997). June 28 –July 2, Chisinau 2017, pp.255-258. t

174. Cheban D. N., Bohr/Levitan Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Linear Stochastic Differential Equations without Favard's Separation Condition. Internationl Journal of Evolution Equations, 2017, Vol. 10, No.3-4, pp.349-389. (special issue dedicated to the memory of V. V. Zhikov). 


173. Cheban D. N., Levitan/Bohr Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of the Scalar Differential Equations. Mathematics & Information Technologies: Research and Education (MITRE-2016),  Chişinău, Republic of Moldova, June 23-26, 2016, pp.18-19.

172. Cheban D. N., Mammana C. and Michetti E., The Structure of Global Attractors for Non-Autonomous Perturbations of Discrete Gradient-Like Dynamical Systems. Patterns of Dynamics: Conference in Honor of Bernold Fiedler, Berlin July 25--29, 2016. Book of Abstracts and Program, p.28.

171. Cheban D. N., Mammana C. and Michetti E., The Structure of Global Attractors for Non-Autonomous Perturbations of Discrete Gradient-Like Dynamical Systems. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Vol.22, No.11, 2016, pp.1673--1697. 


170. Cheban D. N., Mammana C. and Michetti E., Global attractors of non-autonomous difference equations: A growth model with endogenous population growth. Dynamical Systems and Applications, 24 (2015), no.1-2, pp.17-33.

169. Cheban D. N., The Structure of Global Attractors for Non-Autonomous Gradient-Like Dynamical Systems. International conferences "Mathematics & Information Technologies: Research and Eduacation (MITRE-2015). Abstracts, Chisinau, July 2-4, 2015, p.21-22. 

168. Cheban D. N., Relation between Levinson center, chain recurrent set and center of Birkhoff for compact dissipative dynamical systems. Bulletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.2 (78), 2015, pp.42--60. 

167. Cheban D.N. and Kalitine B.S., On the stability of gradient-like systems. International mathematical conference  "Sixth Bogdanov reads on ordinary differential equations", December 7-10, 2015.  Abstracts of conference, Vol.1, Minsk, 2015, pp.90-92.

166. Cheban D.N. Global Attractors of Nonautonomous Dynamical and Control Systems. Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, vol.18, River Edge, NJ: World Scientific, 2015, xxv+589 pp.

165. Cheban David, Belitskii--Lyubich Conjecture for C-Analytic Dynamical Systems. DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS SERIES, series B, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2015 pp. 945--959. 


164. Cheban D. N. and Kalitine B. S., On the Stability of Gradient-Like Systems. International Journal of Evolution Equations,  Vol.9, No.2, 2014, pp.151-166. 

163. Cheban D. N., Compact Global Attractors of Non-autonomous Gradient-Like Dynamical Systems. Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.2 (75), 2014, pp.85--101. 

162. Cheban D. N., Birkhoff's center of compact dissipative dynamical system. The Third Conference of Mathematical Society of the republic of Moldova, 19-23 August, 2014, Chisinau, Moldova. Proceedings IMCS-50. Chisinau, Inst. Math Comp. Science, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 2014. p.239-242. 

161. Cheban D. N., Markus-Yamabe Conjecture for Non-Autonomous Systems. Nonlinear Analysis: TMA, Volume 95, 2014, pp.202–218. 

160. Cheban D. N., Compact Global Chaotic Attractors of Discrete Control Systems. Nonautonomous and Stochastic Dynamical Systems, DOI: 10.2478/msds-2013-0002, NSDS, 2014, pp.10-25. 


159. Cheban D. N., Belitskii--Lyubich Conjecture for C-Analytic Dynamical Systems. Abstracts of the international conferences. Mathematics & Information Technologies: Research and Education (MITRE-2013). August 18-22, 2013, Chisinau (Republic of Moldova), pp.28-29. 

158. Caraballo Tomas and Cheban David, Almost Periodic Motions in Semi-Group Dynamical Systems and Bohr/Levitan almost periodic solutions of Linear difference equations without Favard's separation condition. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Volume 19, Issue 6, 2013, pp.872-897. 

157. Cheban D. N., Asymptotic Stability of Non-autonomus Dynamical Systems. Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.1 (71), 2013, pp.11-44. 

156. Cheban D. N. and Mammana C., Markus-Sell's Theorem for Asymptotically Almost Periodic Systems. Chapter in the Book  „Dynamical Systems: Theory, Applications and Future Directions". Editor: Jean Michel Tchuenche (Atlanta, GA , USA). Nova Science Publishers, 2013, pp.1--20. 

155. Cheban D. N., Lyapunov Stability of Non-Autonomous Dynamical Systems. Nova Science Publishers Inc, 2013, xii+275 pp.

154. Cheban D. N., Mammana C. and Michetti E., Global attractors of quasi-linear non-autonomous difference equations: A growth model with endogenous population growth. Nonlinear Analysis: series B, 14 (2013) pp.1716 -1731. 

153. Caraballo Tomas and Cheban David, Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Linear Differential Equations. DCDS-A, vol. 33, no. 5, 2013, pp.1857-1882. 

152. Caraballo Tomas and Cheban David, On the Structure of the Global Attractor for Infinite-Dimensional Non-autonomous Dynamical Systems with Weak Convergence. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis (CPAA), vol.12, no.1, 2013, pp. 281-302 


151. Cheban D. N., Markus-Sell's Theorem for Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Abstracts of the 20-th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics. Dedicated to Academician Mitrofan M. Ciobanu. Chisinau, August 22-25, 2012, p. 63.

150. Cheban D. N. and Mammana C., Markus-Sell's Theorem for Infinite Dimensional Asymptotically Almost Periodic Systems. Abstracts of the 9-th AIMS International Conference on "Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications". July 1-5, 2012 Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress (Orlando, Florida, USA), .pp. 246. 

149. Cheban D. N. and Mammana C., Chaotic Attractors of Control Systems. Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation. International Conference, 12-15 June 2012, Athene Grece, 2012, pp.131-138. 

148. Cheban D. N. and Mammana C., Chaotic Attractors of Control Systems. Book of abstracts Chaos 2012: 5-th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference. Editor Christos H. Skiadis. 12-15 June 2012 (Athene, Greece), pp. 29. 

147. Cheban D. N., Sell's conjecture for Non-Autonomous Dynamical Systems. Nonlinear Analysis: TMA, Vol.75, no.7, 2012, pp.3393-3406.  

146. Caraballo Tomas and Cheban David, On the Structure of the Global Attractor for Non-autonomous Dynamical Systems with Weak Convergence. Communications in Pure and Applied Analysis, Vol.11, no.2, 2012, pp.809-828. 

145. Caraballo Tomas and Cheban David, On the Structure of the Global Attractor for Non-autonomous Difference Equations with Weak Convergence. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Volume 18, Issue 4, 2012, pp.535-551. 


144. Cheban D. N., G. Sell's conjecture for non-autonomous dynamical systems. Abstracts of international conferences. Mathematics & Information Technologies: Research and Education (MITRE-2011). Dedicated to the 65th aniversary of the Moldova State University. August 22-25, 2011, Chisinau (Republic of Moldova), pp. 32-34.

143. Caraballo Tomas and Cheban David, Levitan/Bohr Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Second-Order Monotone Differential Equations. Journal of Differential Equations, Vol.251, No.3, 2011, pp.708-727. 

142. Caraballo Tomas and Cheban David, Almost Periodic and Asymptotically Almost Periodic Solutions of  Lienard Equation. DCDS-B, Vol.16, No.3, 2011, pp.703-717 . 


141. Cheban D. N., Kloeden P. E. and Schmalfuss B., Relation Between pullback and Global Attractors of Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Advances in Chaotic Dynamics and Applications. Stability, Oscilations and Optimization of Systems (Editors: C. Cruz-Hernandez and A. A. Martynyuk:  Vol. 4, Cambridge Scientific Publishers, 2010, 280 pp.), pp.1-21.

140. Cheban D. N., Global Attractors of Set-Valued Dynamical and Control Systems. Nova Science Publishers Inc, New York, 2010, xvii+269 pp.

139. Cheban D. N., Compact Global Attractors of Control Systems. Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, vol.16 (2010), no.1, pp. 23--44. 

138. Boularas Driss and Cheban David, Asymptototic Stability of Switching Systems. Electronical Journal of Differential Equations, 2010 (2010), no.21, pp.1-18. 


137. Cheban D. N. and Mammana C., A  Invariant Manifolds, Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Seconde-Order Monotone Equations. New Research on Evolution Equations: Editor G. M. N'Guerekata. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, 2009, pp.123--145. 

136. Cheban D. N., Kloeden P. E. and Schmalfuss B., Relation Between pullback and Global Attractors of Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Advances in Chaotic Dynamics and Applications. Stability, Oscilations and Optimization of Systems. Editors: C. Cruz-Hernandez and A. A. Martynyuk:  Vol. 4, Cambridge Scientific Publishers, 2009, 280 pp. 

135. Cheban D. N., Asymptotically Almost Periodic Solutions of Differential Equations. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, New York, 2009, ix+186 pp.

134. Caraballo T. and Cheban D., Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Linear Differential/Difference Equations without Favard's Separation Condition.II J. Differential Equations, 246 (2009), pp.1164--1186. 

133. Caraballo T. and Cheban D., Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Linear Differential/Difference Equations without Favard's Separation Condition.I J. Differential Equations, 246 (2009), pp.108--128. 

132. Cheban D. N., Mammana C. and Michetti E., Global Attractors of Nonautonomous Difference Equations.  Bulletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.1 (59), 2009, pp.45--57. 


131Cheban D. N. and Schmalfuss B., Invariant Manifolds, Global Attractors, Almost Automrphic and Almost Periodic Solutions of Non-Autonomous Differential Equations. J.Math.Anal.Appl., 340, no.1 (2008), 374-393. 

130. Cheban D. N., Levitan Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of V-monotone Differential Equations. J. Dyn. Diff. Eqns, Vol.20, No.3, 2008, pp.669--697. 

129. Cheban D. N., Mammana C. and Michetti E., Global Attractors of Quasi-Linear Non-Autonomous Difference Equations. Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.1 (56), 2008, pp.84--104. 


128. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Invariant Manifolds and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Second-Order Monotone Equations. Proceedings: EQUADIFF 11. International cnference on differential equations: Czecho-Slovak series. Comenius University, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA,July 25 - 29, 2007, pp.141-147. 

127. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Continuous Dependence of Attractors on Parameters of Non-Autonomous Dynamical Systems and Infinite Iterated Function Systems. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Vol. 18, No.2-3, 2007, 499-515. 


126. D. Cheban. Markus-Yamabe Conjecture. Communications, The 14-th Conference of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. Chisinau, August 17-19, 2006, pp.107-110. 

125. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Global Attractors and Almost Periodic Solutions of V-Monotone Non-Autonomous Dynamical Systems. International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid 2006. Abstracts (Posters, Short Communications, Mathematical Software, Other Activities), p.373. 

124. D. Cheban, C. Mammana and E. Michetti. Global Attractors of Non-Autonomous Difference Equations. 6th AIMS International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, June 25-28, 2006, Poitiers, FRANCE, p.103. 

123. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Compact Global Attractors of Discrete Inclusions. Nonlinear Analysis, v.65 , No.8, 2006, pp.1669-1687. 

122. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Almost Periodic Solutions of Non-Autonomous Beverton-Holt Difference Equations. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS, Issue 5, Volume 5, May 2006, pp.1048-1053. 


121. Cheban D. N., Dynamical systems in the works of moldavian mathematicians.Elemente de istorie a matematicii si matematica in republica Moldova (Editors: Choban M. M. and Valuta I. I.). Chisinau, 2006, pp.361--367.

120. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Invariant Manifolds, Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Second-Order Monotone Equations. International Journal of Evolution Equations, Vol.1, No.4, 2005, pp.319-343.

119. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Invariant Manifolds and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Second-Order Monotone Equations. Book of Abstracts EQUADIFF 11. International conference on differential equations: Czecho-Slovak series. Comenius University, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA, July 25 - 29, 2005, pp.14. 

118. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Absolute Asymptotic Stability of Discrete Linear Inclusions. Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.1 (47), 2005, pp.43-68. 

117. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Relation between Different Types of Global Attractors of Non-Autonomous Set-Valued Dynamical Systems. Set-Valued Analysis, Vol.13, No.3, 2005, pp.291-321. 

116. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Invariant Manifolds, Global Attractors and Almost Periodic Solutions of Non-autonomous Difference Equations. Equadiff 2003. Proceedings of the International Conference on Differential Equations. Hasselt, Belgium 22-26 July 2003. Singapore: World Scientific, 2005, pp.833-838. 

115. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Relation Between Different Types of Stabilities of Linear Non-Autonomous Dynamical Systems. Proceedings of International Conference: 2004-Dynamical Systems and Applications, pp.205-227, July 5-10, 2005, Antalya, Turkey. 


114. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Invariant Manifolds, Global Attractors and Almost Periodic Solutions of Non-autonomous Difference Equations. Nonlinear Analysis, Series A, vol.56, No.4, 2004, pp.465-484. 

113. D. Cheban. Global Attractors of Nonautonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences 1. River Edge, NJ: World Scientific, 2004, xxiii+502 pp.

112. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Relation between Different Types of Stabilities for Linear Non-Autonomous Dynamical Systems. International Conference "Dynamical Systems and Applications - 2004". Book of Abstracts. July 05-10, 2004, Antalya, Turkey, p.32.

111. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Compact Global Chaotic Attractors of Discrete Control Systems. International Conference "Differential Equations and Related Topics". Book of Abstracts. Moscow, May 16-22, 2004, p.44.

110. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Asymptotic Stability of Autonomous and Non-Autonomous Discrete Linear Inclusions. Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, No.3 (46), 2004, pp.41-52. 

109. D. Cheban and J. Duan, Almost Periodic Solutions and Global Attractors of Nonautonomous Navier-Stokes Equations. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, vol.16, No.1, 2004, pp. 1-34. 

108. D. Cheban and J. Duan, Recurrent Motions and Global Attractors of Nonautonomous Lorenz Systems. Dynamical Systems: An International Journal, vol.19, No.1, 2004, pp.41-59. 


107. D. Cheban, J. Duan and A. Gherco. Generalization of Second Bogoliubov's Theorem for Non-Almost Periodic Systems. Nonlinear Analys: Real World Applications, vol.4, No.4, 2003, pp.599-613. 

106. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Upper Semicontinuity of Attractors of Set-Valued Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol.4, No.5, 2003, pp.385-418. 

105. D. Cheban, P. Kloeden and B. Schmalfuss. Global Attractors of V-monotone Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics, 2003. No.1(41), pp.47-57. 

104. V.P. Bongolan-Walsh, D. Cheban and J. Duan. Recurrent Motions in the Nonautonomous Navier-Stokes System. Continuous and Disrete Dynamical Systems - serie B, vol.3, No.2, 2003, pp.255-262. 

103. D. Cheban, J. Duan and A. Gherco. Heteroclinic Points of Multi-dimensional Dynamical Systems. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, vol.2003(2003), No.41, pp.1-21. 

102. D. Cheban. Global Attractors of Dynamical Systems. Electronic Journal Differential Equations and Control Processes. vol.3, pp.1-56. 

101. D. Cheban. Almost Periodic Solutions of Monotone Almost Periodic Equations. International Conference on Differential Equations. Equadiff'03 (July 22-26, Hasselt, BELGIUM), p.25.

100. D. Cheban and C. Mammana. Invariant manifolds, Global attractors and Almost Periodic Solutions of Non-autonomous Difference Equations. International Conference on Differential Equations. Equadiff'03 (July 22-26, Hasselt, BELGIUM), p.25.


99. D. Cheban, P. Kloeden and B. Schmalfuss. The relation between Pullback and Global Attractors of Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, vol.2, No.2(2002), pp.9-28.  

98. D. Cheban. Upper Semicontinuity of Attractors of Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems for Small Perturbations. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, vol.2002(2002), No.42, pp.1-21. 

97. D. Cheban. Global Attractors of Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. (Press of the State University of Moldova, Chisinau, MOLDOVA. (in Russian) 

96. D. Cheban. Asymptotical Almost Periodic Solutions of Differential Equations. (Press of the State University of Moldova, Chisinau, MOLDOVA. (in Russian) 


95. D. Cheban. Global Attractors of Quasihomogeneous Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, vol.2001(2001), No.10, pp.1-19. 

94. D. Cheban. Global Attractors of Quasihomogeneous Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations (May 18-21, Kennesaw, USA). Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2001, Added Volume, pp.96-101. 

93. D. Cheban. The Ordinary Differential Equations. Problem Solver. (Press of the State University of Moldova, Chisinau, MOLDOVA), 408 p.

92. D. Che. Uniform Exponential Stability of Linear Periodic Systems in Banach Spaces. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, vol. 2001 (2001), No.03, pp.1-12. 

91. D. Cheban, B. Schmalfuss and P. Kloeden. Pullback Attractors in Dissipative Nonautonomous Differential Equations under Discretization. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, vol.13, No.1, pp.185-213. 

90. D. Cheban. An analog of the Cameron-Johnson's Theorem for Linear C-analytic Equations in Hilbert space. Proceedings of the International Conference on Differential Equations and Related Topics dedicated to the Centenary Anniversary of Ivan Petrovskii (May 22-27, Moscow, RUSSIA), pp.86-87.

89. D. Cheban. Global Pullback Atttactors of C-Analytic Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. First Conference of the Mathematical Society of Republic of Moldova (August 16-18, Chisinau, MOLDOVA). (in Russian)

88. D. Cheban. Global Pullback Atttactors of C-Analytic Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Stochastics and Dynamics. vol.1(2001), No.4, pp.511-535.

87. D. Cheban. Global Pullback Atttactors of C-Analytic Cocycles. Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics, No.2(36), pp.65-74.

86. D. Ceban and A. Suba. Problemele de Ecuatii Diferentiale. Press of the State University of Moldova (Chisinau, MOLDOVA). (in Russian)


85. D. Cheban, P. Kloeden and B. Schmalfuss. Pullbac Attractors under Discretization. Proceeding EQUADIFF'99 (Berlin, GERMANY), vol.2 (Edited by B. Fiedler, K. Groger and J. Sprekels). World Scientific 2000, pp.1024-1029.

84. D. Cheban. Uniform Exponential Stability of Linear Almost Periodic Systems in Banach spaces. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, vol.2000(2000), No.29, pp.1-18. 

83. D. Cheban. The Analog of the Cameron-Johnson's Theorem for Linear C-analytic Equations in Hilbert Space. Mathematical Notes, vol.68, No.6 (2000), pp.935-938. 


82. I. Bronshteyn, D. Cheban and N. Vulpe. Boris Alexeevich Shcherbakov (A tribute in honor of his 75th birthday). Bul. Acad. Stiinte Repub. Mold., Mat. 1999, no. 1, pp.130--134.

81. D. Cheban B. Schmalfuss. Global Attractors of Nonautonomous Disperse Dynamical Systems and Differential Inclusions. Bulletin of Academy of sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics, 1999, No.1(29), pp.3-22. 

80. D. Cheban. Global Attractors of Non-autonomous Dynamical Systems and Almost Periodic Limit Regimes of Some Classes of Evolutionary Equations. Anale Faculatii de Matimatica si Informatica, vol.1, 1999, pp.1-26. 

79. D. Cheban. Relations Between Different Types of Stability of Linear Almost Periodic Systems in Banach Spaces. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, vol.1999 (1999), No.46, pp.1-9. 


78. Cheban D. N., Letter to the editors: ``Bounded solutions of linear almost periodic systems of differential equations''[Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk Ser. Mat. 62 (1998), no. 3, 155--174.] Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk Ser. Mat.  63 (1999),  no. 3, 224.

77. D. Cheban. Global Attractors of Infinite-dimensional Non-autonomous Dynamical Systems, II. Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics, 1998, No.2 (27), p.25-38.

76. D. Cheban. The Asymptotics of Solutions of Infinite-dimensional Homogeneous Dynamical Systems. Mathematical Notes, 1998, vol.63, No.1, p.115-126. 

75. D. Cheban. Bounded Solutions of Linear Almost Periodic Systems of Differential Equations. Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Russia, Mathematics Series, 1998, vol.62, No.3, p.155-174. 


74. D. Cheban. Global Attractors of Infinite-dimensional Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems, I. Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics, 1997, No.3 (25), p.42-55. 

73. D. Cheban. Higher Mathematics (brief handbook). Evrika (Chisinau, MOLDOVA), 1997, 70 p. (in Russian).

72. D. Cheban. Higher Mathematics (brief handbook). Evrika (Chisinau, MOLDOVA), 1997, 70 p. (in Romanian).


71. D. Cheban. On the Structure of Compact Asymptotically Stable Sets of C-analytic Almost Periodic Systems. Abstract of the speech at Scientific Conference at Moldavian State University (Chisinau, MOLDOVA), 1995.

70. D. Cheban. Converse of the Lyapunov's theorem on Asymptotic Stability by the First Approximation for C-analytic Non-autonomous Systems. Mathematical Notes, 1995, vol.57, No.1, p.139-142.

69. D. Cheban. Global Attractors of Infinite-dimensional Systems, II. Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics, 1995, No.1 (17), p.28-37.

68. D. Cheban and D. Fakeeh. Global Attractors of Infinite-dimensional Systems, III. Bulletin of Academy of sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics, 1995, No.2-3 (18-19), p.3-13.

67. D. Cheban. On the Structure of Compact Asymptotically Stable Sets of C-analytic Almost Periodic Systems. Differential Equations, 1995, vol.31, No.12, p.2025-2028.


66. D. Cheban and D. Fakeeh. Global Attractors of Dynamical Systems without Uniqueness. Sigma (Chisinau, MOLDOVA), 1994. (in Russian)

65. D. Cheban. Global Attractors of Infinite-dimensional Systems, I. Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics, 1994, No.2 (15), p.12-21.


64. D. Cheban and D. Fakeeh. Connectivity of the Levinson's Centre of Compactly Dissipative Dynamical System without Uniqueness. Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics, 1993, No.1 (11), p.15-22.


63. D. Cheban. Some Problems of the Theory of Dissipative Dynamical Systems, II.Functional Methods in the Theory of Differential Equations (Mathematical researches, issue 124), p.106-122.

62. D. Cheban and D. Fakeeh. Asymptotic Stability of Compact Semi-invariant Sets of Disperse Dynamical Systems and Dynamical Systems with Multi-dimensional Time. Preprint, Mold NIINTI, 1992, No.1276.

61. D. Cheban. Locally Dissipative Dynamical Systems and Some of Their Applications. Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics, 1992, No.1 (8), p.7-14.

60. D. Cheban and D. Fakeeh. Disperse Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Abstracts of 8th International Conference EquaDiff-92 (1992,Samarkand, USSR), p.115.

59. D. Cheban. Global Uniform Asymptotic Stability of Solutions of Nonautonomous Systems. Abstract of the speech at the Republican Scientifically-methodical Conference (1992, Odessa, UKRAINE), vol. 1, p.23.


58. D. Cheban and D. Fakeeh. Discontinuous Dissipative Dynamical Systems.Collection "Discontinuous dynamical systems", abstract of the speech at the Scientific School-seminar (September 17-20, 1991, Uzhgorod, UKRAINE), p.69.

57. D. Cheban and D. Fakeeh. Dissipative Dynamical Systems with Multi-dimensional Time and Disperse Dynamical Systems. Speech thesis at scientific conference, preprint, Mold NIINTI, 1991, No.1229.

56. D. Cheban. Dissipative Functional Differential Equations. Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics, 1991, No.2 (6), p.3-12.

55. D. Cheban. Biasymptotically Almost Periodic Solutions of Differential Equations. Abstracts of the International Conference of Differential Equations (1991, Moscow, RUSSIA), Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk, vol. 46, p.199.


54. D. Cheban. On the Structure of the Levinson's Centre of Dissipative Dynamical Systems with the Hyperbolicity Condition on the Closure of a Set of Recurrent Motions. Differential Equations, vol. 26, No.5, p.913-914.

53. D. Cheban. On the Structure of the Levinson's Centre of a Dissipative Dynamical System with the Hyperbolicity Condition on the Set of Recurrent Motions. Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Moldova. Mathematics, 1990, No.2 (3), p.34-43.

52. D. Cheban. Homoclinical Trajectories of Nonautonomous Systems. Abstract of the speech at the 2nd All-Union conference on Nonlinear Oscillations of Mechanical Systems (1990, Gorky, USSR). (in Russian)

51. D. Cheban and D. Fakeeh. Dissipative Dynamical Systems with Multi-dimensional Time and Disperse Dynamical Systems. Speech thesis at Scientific Conference at the State University of Moldova (1990, Chisinau, USSR). (in Russian)

50. D. Cheban. Integral equations. Teaching-methodical manual at the section "Differential and integral equations" of the course of high mathematics for the students of the faculty of physics (1990, State University of Moldova). (in Russian)


49. D. Cheban. Nonautonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems with a Hyperbolic Subset of Centre (one-dimensional case). Mathematical Notes, vol. 45, No.6, p. 93-98.

48. D. Cheban. On One problem of Hale. Abstract of the speech at the 7th All-Union Conference of the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (1989, Riga, USSR), p.227.

47. D. Cheban. Some Problems of the Theory of Dissipative Dynamical Systems, I.Differential equations and mathematical physics (Chisinau, USSR, "Shtiintsa"), p. 147-163.

46. D. Cheban. On One Problem of Hale. Mathematical Notes, vol. 46, No.1, p. 120-121.

45. D. Cheban. Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems with Convergence. Differential Equations, vol. 25, No.9, p.1633-1635.


44. D. Cheban. Impulse and Difference Dissipative Systems with Periodic Coefficients. Research on Differential Equations and Mathematical Analysis (Chisinau, "Shtiintsa"), p.127-142.

43. D. Cheban. Averaging Principle on the Semi-axis for Dissipative Systems.Dynamical Systems and Equations of Mathematical Physics (Chisinau, "Shtiintsa"), p.149-161.

42. D. Cheban. On the Structure of the Levinson Centre's of Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Differential Equations, vol. 24, No.6, p.1086.

41. D. Cheban. Nonautonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Method of Lyapunov Functions. Problems of the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, (Novosibirsk, USSR), p.56-64.

40. D. Cheban. On the Structure of the Levinson's Centre of Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Differential Equations, vol. 24, No.9, p.1564-1576.


39. D. Cheban. Nonautonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Method of Lyapunov functions. Differential Equations, vol. 23, No.3, p.464-474.

38. D. Cheban. Boundedness, Dissipativity and Almost Periodicity of Solutions of Linear and Weakly Nonlinear Systems of Differential Equations. Dynamical Systems and Boundary Value Problems (Chisinau, "Shtiintsa"), p.143-159.

37. D. Cheban and B. Scherbakov. Barbashin-Krasovsky's Theorem for Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Abstract of the speech at the 5th All-Union Chetaev Conference on Analytic Mechanics, Stability and Motion Control (1987, Kazan, USSR), p.106.


36. D. Cheban. Nonautonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Soviet Mathematical Report, vol. 33, No.1, p.207-210.

35. D. Cheban. One Test of the Convergence of Nonlinear Systems in Hilbert Spaces. Differential Equations and Their Invariants (Chisinau, "Shtiintsa"), p.136-143.

34. D. Cheban. Test of the Convergence of Nonlinear Systems by the First Approximation. Differential Equations and Their Invariants (Chisinau, "Shtiintsa"), p.144-150.

33. D. Cheban. Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Lyapunov Functions' Method.Abstract of the speech at the 6th All-Union Conference on Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (1986, Irkutsk, USSR), p.197-198.

32. D. Cheban. C-analytic Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Differential Equations, vol. 22, No.11, p.1915-1922.

31. D. Cheban. On Nonautonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk, vol. 41, No.4 (250), p.169.

30. D. Cheban. Quasiperiodic Solutions of Dissipative Systems with Quasiperiodic Coefficients. Differential Equations, vol. 22, No.2, p.267-278.


29. D. Cheban. On the Second Lyapunov's Method in the Theory of Stability of Dynamical Systems. Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems (1985, Chisinau, "Shtiintsa"), p.139-147.

28. D. Cheban. Nonautonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Differential Equations, vol. 21, No.5, p.913-914.

27. D. Cheban. C-analytic Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Abstracts of the 3rd International Conference of Differential Equations and Applications (1985, Roosse, BULGARIA), p.141.


26. D. Cheban. Dynamical Systems of Translations in the Spaces of Functions and Distributions. Research on the Functional analysis and differential equations. Kishinev, ''Shtiintsa'', 1984, p. 130-142.

25. D. Cheban. Periodic and Quasiperiodic Solutions of Linear Differential Equations. Differential Equations, vol. 20, No.8, p.1455-1456.

24. D. Cheban. On the Stability of Levinson's Centre of Nonautonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Differential Equations, vol. 20, No.11, p.2016-2018.


23. D. Cheban. Compatible Solutions of the Differential Equation x’’=f(t,x) in a Hilbert Space. Research on Differential Equations (1983, Chisinau, "Shtiintsa"), p.101-111.

22. D. Cheban. Compatible Solutions of Linear Partial Differential Equations.Research on Differential Equations (Chisinau, "Shtiintsa"), p.112-122.

21. D. Cheban. Dissipative Dynamical Systems. Abstract of the speech at the 2nd Scientific Conference on Differential Equations (1983, University of Sciences and Technology, Alger, ALGERIE), p.40-41.


19. D. Cheban and I. Cheban. Anti Almost Periodic Solutions of Differential Equations. Research on the Functional Analysis and Differential Equations (1981, Chisinau, "Shtiintsa"), p.100-108.

18. D. Cheban and A. Shipkov. Bounded Solutions of Differential Equations with Complex Time. Research on the Functional Analysis and Differential Equations (1981, Chisinau, "Shtiintsa"), p.116-123.


17. D. Cheban. Some Theorems of Injection of Dynamical Systems. Algebraic Invariants of Dynamical Systems (1980, Chisinau, "Shtiintsa"), p.118-122.

16. D. Cheban. Theory of Linear Differential Equations (selected chapters). 1980, Chisinau, "Shtiintsa". (in Russian)


15. D. Cheban and B. Scherbakov. Asymptotically Almost Periodic Solutions of Linear and Quasi-linear Differential Equations. Speech thesis at the All-Union Conference on Asymptotic Methods of the Theory of Singularly-perturbed Equations, part 1 (1981, Alma-Ata, USSR), p.164-165.

14. D. Cheban. Linear Differential Equations Satisfying the Condition of Favard.Abstract of the speech at the 5th All-Union Conference of the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (1979, Chisinau, USSR), p.181-182.

13. D. Cheban and I. Cheban. Anti Almost Periodic Solutions of Differential Equations. Abstract of the speech at the 5th All-Union Conference of the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (1979, Chisinau, USSR), p.181-182.


12. D. Cheban. Some Properties of Linear Systems of Differential Equations with Asymptotically Almost Periodic Coefficients. Differential Equations, vol.14, No.5, p.940-942.

11. D. Cheban and V. Amelkin. Periodic Solutions of Differentially-operational Equations. Abstract of the speech at the 4th All-Union School of the Theory of Operators in the Functional Spaces (1978, Minsk, USSR), p.9-10.

10. D. Cheban and V. Chernii. On a Question of Exponential Dichotomy on Semi-axis of Solutions of Differential Equations. Differential Equations, vol. 14, No.11, p.2012-2018.


9. D. Cheban. On the Boundedness and Asymptotic Almost Periodicity of Solutions of Differential Equations Solutions. Mathematical Sciences, No.1, p.72-76.

8. D. Cheban. On the Comparability of Points of Dynamical Systems with Regard to the Character of the Recurrence Property in the Limit. Mathematical Sciences, No.1, p.66-71.

7. D. Cheban and B. Scherbakov. Poisson Asymptotic Stability of Motions of Dynamical Systems and their Comparability with Regard to the Recurrence Property in the Limit. Differential Equations, vol. 13, No.5, p. 898-906.

6. D. Cheban. Poisson Asymptotic Stability of Solutions of Operational Equations.Differential Equations, vol.13, No.8, p.978-983.

5. D. Cheban. On the Problem of Structural Stability of Linear Systems of Differential Equations with Almost Periodic Coefficients. Differential Equations, vol.13, No.11, p.2099-2101.


4. D. Cheban and B. Scherbakov. Poisson Asymptotically Stable Motions of Dynamical Systems. Abstract of the speech at the 4th All-Union Conference on the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (1976, Ryazan, USSR), p.173.


3. D. Cheban. Uniformly Isochron Solutions of Linear System of Differential Equations. Mathematical researches, vol.32, No.2, p.204-213.

2. D. Cheban. Poisson Asymptotically Stable Solutions of Non-linear Differential Eequations. Mathematical researches, vol.37, No.3, p.231-237.


1. D. Cheban. On the Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of Differential Equations.Abstract of the speech at the 3rd All-Union Conference on the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (1973, Samarkand, USSR), p.216.





Visiting Scholar grant  (University of Macerata, Italy, September – November 2015).


FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES-316338 (August--October 2014, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos, Brazil), Visiting Professor.


FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES-316338 (May—June 2013,Belorussian State University, Minsk, Belorussia), Visiting Professor.

Erasmus Mundus -- EMERGE scholarship (December 2013 – January 2014, University of Granada, Granada, Spain), Visiting Professor.


PROGRAMMI DI RICERCA SCIENTIFICA DI RILEVANTE INTERESSE NAZIONALE RICHIESTA DI COFINANZIAMENTO (Ministero dell' Istruzione dell' Universit  e della Ricerca, Italy). University of Macerata (May - August 2012) under the Grant PRIN-2009, Visiting Professor.


  • Programa de Movilidad de Profesores Universitarios y Extranjeros (Ministerio de Educacion, Spain), grant SAB2009-0078 (Sevilla, Spania: februarie 2010 – septembrie 2010), cercetător invitat;
  • Proiectul Comportări asimptotice şi control în sisteme de evoluţie guvernate de ecuaţii diferenţiale din cadrul Programului de stat Cercetări fundamentale şi aplicative în matematică (Nr. _cod 06411.411.029f, 2010-2013), Cercet. şt. coord.

2007: Grant of the Consejeri a de Innovacion Ciencia y Empresa de la Junta de Andalucia

(Seville, Spania: noiembrie 2007 – ianuarie 2008), cercetător invitat;

2006: DAAD grant (Paderborn, Germania: noiembrie – decembrie 2006), grant personal;

2003: Grant of European Commission (Marie Curie 6th Program, mai 2003 – octombrie 2004),

cercetător invitat

2002: NATO-CNR grant (Italia: septembrie 2002 februarie 2003), grant personal;


  • Grant CRDF&MRDA (grant No.MM1-3016, septembrie 2001 – februarie 2003), conducător de proiect;
  • Grant al Guvernul Republicii Moldova, Cercet. şt., coordinator (grant No.01.004C, 2001-2002);


  • Travel grant of Soros International Scientific Foundation (mai 2000), grant personal;
  • DAAD grant (Frankfurt am Main, Bremen, Merseburg, Germania: septembrie – noiembrie 2000), grant personal;

1999: DFG grant (Frankfurt am Main, Germania: septembrie – octombrie 1999), cercetător


1998: RIP Research grant (Oberwolfach, Germania: martie 1998) cu profesorii P.E.Kloeden

(Universitatea din Frankfurt, Germania) şi B.Schmalfuss (University din Merseburg,


1993: Grant of Soros International Scientific Foundation, grant personal.


Recenzent la revistele:

Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (China)

Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (Italy, Florence)

Applicable Analysis (Int. England)

Applied Mathematics and Computation (Int. USA)

Applied Mathematics Letters (Int. USA)

Boundary Value Problems (Int. USA)

-- Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica (Republic of Moldova, Chişinău)

Central European Journal of Mathematics (Int. Germany)

Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems: Series A, B and S (Int. USA).

Dynamical Systems: An international Journal. (Int., UK)

Electronical Journal of Differential Equations (Int. USA)

Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (India, New Delhi)

Journal of Differential Equations (Int. USA)

Journal of Integral Equations and Applications (Int. USA)

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications: Series A and B (Int, USA)

Lecture Notes in Mathematics (Int. Germany, Springer)

Mathematical and Computer Modeling (Int. USA)

Result in Mathematics (Int. Switzerland)

Revista Matematica Complutense (Int. Spain)

SIAM: Journal of Control and Optimization (Int. USA)

Stochastics and Dynamics (Int. USA)


Recenzent la revista:

Mathematical Reviews;

-- Zentrablat.

Activitate editorială:

Editor invitat: Proceedings of International conference "2004 - Dynamical Systems and Applications" (July 05-10 2004, Antalya, Turkey).

Editor asociat:

-- International Journal of Mathematics and Computations;

-- Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems.

-- Studia Universitatis Moldaviae. Seria “Stiinte Exacte si Economice”